Solid Bench emerges as a beacon of authenticity and craftsmanship amidst a sea of mass-produced furniture, with a clear mission to revive India’s woodworking tradition. Founded by Avantika & Hitesh, alongside their friend Anant, this brand is dedicated to honoring the essence of each tree, allowing it to shape the form of every piece. Guided by the woodworking principle of “measure twice, cut once,” Solid Bench creates furniture that embodies patience, celebrated joinery, and timeless elegance.
Led by a passion for native timber and a commitment to ‘Made in India’ craftsmanship, Solid Bench delivers top-tier furniture while prioritizing environmental sustainability. With a focus on ethical timber sourcing and the use of natural finishes, their pieces promise quality, safety, and toxin-free living. By crafting without nails or screws and employing an in-house seasoning process, each Solid Bench creation carries artisanal integrity and a lasting quality assurance. Each piece not only celebrates trees but also reflects the brand’s dedication to authenticity, craftsmanship, and environmental stewardship in a world dominated by mass production.
“Furniture is an outcome. The tree defines form.”