10 Jul 2021 | Crew
Parametric Architecture In The Indian Context With Nuru Karim

Architect Nuru Karim is the Founder of Nudes, a Mumbai-based firm that operates within the realm of architecture, art, and Read More »

31 May 2021 | Beverly Pereira
In Tune With Nature At The Stone Lodges Private Residences In Wayanad, Kerala

Counter-urbanisation, or the social process of leaving over-crowded cities for smaller towns, has become a global phenomenon. What was once Read More »

25 Feb 2021 | Nuriyah Johar
Brick, Terracotta, And Wicker Form The Round Corner House In Kottayam, Kerala

An often underrated aspect of good design, especially to a casual observer, is context. In the face of fleeting trends, Read More »

01 Sep 2020 | Nuriyah Johar
A Look At The Studios Of Great Artists, Architects And Designers

From Antoni Gaudi’s meticulous models of the Sagrada Familia to Le Corbusier’s deep connection with Purism, the studio of an Read More »